Organic Horticulture Certification

As you use your science and art to grow fruit and vegetables, we are here to create a simplified certification process that helps you to really focus on your passion.

Whilst you apply your knowledge, skills and technologies to grow foods, we are with you every step of the way allowing you to do this with organic certification.

Scroll below to find out how you can become certified organic on our horticulture programme.

Certification can take up to 3 years.

Organic Horticulture BioGro NZ Certification Process

BioGro help you every step of the way, below we explain how your organic journey would look from start to finish.

Expression of Interest

Tell us you're interested in organic certification.
We are available for contact on weekdays between 9-5, with a whole team eager to help you. The quickest route for contact is to register your interest.
Alternatively, you can email us using info[at] or call us on 04-801 9741.

Organic Certification Webinar

If you or your business are new to organics, our Organic Certification Webinars are a great opportunity to learn more about the certification process, hosted by experts from the BioGro team.
If this sounds like something that you could benefit from, be sure to sign up - so, what are you waiting for?

Initial Assessment

Once you’ve reached out to BioGro, we will get in contact to find out more about you and your situation. After this initial discussion, if you are still committed to starting your organic journey, the below outlines what this will look like;

  1. We will ask you to complete and send a short Application Form, we will invoice you on receipt of your application.

  2. BioGro will set you up with your own personal log-in. Once we get you online, we will ask you to fill out the online forms.

  3. Once the certification fee has been paid, BioGro will assess your application.

  4. Whilst assessing your application, BioGro will arrange for an auditor to visit your operation to carry out an on-site inspection.

  5. Following a satisfactory audit report, we issue you with certification, and supply you with our highly recognised logo. We then require a copy of the product label(s) for us to assess and approve before you go to print

What we will ask for

It is crucial that you send us all necessary documentation, and ensure that all online forms are filled out carefully and correctly. We will give you guidance during this stage - below we list a handful of information we will ask for, but not limited to;

  • Site Map

  • Declaration of LPI

  • Soil Test (Nutrient and Multi-residue)

  • Conversion Plan (If applicable)

  • Neighbour Notification Letter

  • Parallel Production Procedures (If applicable)


The annual cost of certification is $2046 plus label approval fees, auditor fees, and G.S.T (auditor fee calculated by region).
Please be aware that there are also small ongoing approval charges.
If you are looking to operate just within the domestic market the annual cost will be $855 plus the additional associated fees. Once you have submitted your application, we will give you a personalised quote.


BioGro certification requires a minimum of 3 years of compliance with the BioGro NZ Organic Standards;

  • Year 1 - Registration year (CO)

  • Year 2 - C1 Conversion status

  • Year 3 - C2 Conversion status

  • Year 4 onwards - fully certified organic

Your first audit will determine the registration start date of your property. To move through each stage of conversion to fully certified, you will need to demonstrate compliance with the BioGro NZ Organic Standards through annual renewal applications and audits.

Zealong Tea - Case Study

Zealong Tea is widely regarded as a Waikato icon, and the only commercial tea estate in New Zealand, producing international award-winning, certified organic, New Zealand-grown tea.


Viticulture & Wine

